
Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign in Dentistry

When considering cosmetic dentistry, one of the things that might be on your mind is what Invisalign is. The fact is that Invisalign is a form of aligner that is designed to straighten teeth without the use of metal wires and brackets. You may be surprised to learn that Invisalign has gained quite a bit of popularity in the last few years, and you may wonder if it’s right for you.

Treatment For Overbite

If you are experiencing an overbite, it may be time to consult your orthodontist. It is a common orthodontic condition that can be treated with Invisalign. An overbite causes your upper teeth to overlap your lower teeth. This can be very uncomfortable and can lead to damage to your gums and jaw. Treatment for overbite will also prevent you from experiencing jaw pain and help relieve any TMJ issues. An overbite can occur in both vertical and horizontal positions. Vertical overbites occur when the top teeth drastically overlap the bottom teeth. A horizontal overbite occurs when the upper teeth are jutting out in front of the lower teeth. Overbites are commonly caused by improper growth of baby teeth, sucking on thumbs or pacifiers, or an insufficient jawline. Some people even suffer from speech impediments due to the overbite.

Treatment For Minor Misalignment

If you are experiencing minor misalignment of your teeth, Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment. With this treatment, your dentist like the Invisalign dentist Massachusetts will create a series of aligners that will gradually straighten your teeth. The cost of Invisalign depends on the number of aligners you will need. You may require up to 20-30 aligners to treat your minor misalignment. However, the more aligners you have, the higher your overall costs. Your doctor will take impressions of your upper and lower teeth. They will then use these impressions to make a working cast. This cast is made from a polyvinyl siloxane material. Next, your teeth are separated, and the target teeth are moved to their desired positions. Once you have received your Invisalign aligners, you must wear them for at least 22 hours daily. The treatment will not be as effective if you do not wear your aligners. You must also be committed to keeping your mouth clean. A denture cleaner is a great way to keep your aligners free of plaque and bacteria.

Treatment For Gummy Smile

If you have a gummy smile, various treatments are available. The first thing you need to do is ask your dentist or orthodontist to diagnose the problem. They can tell you if it is a cosmetic issue, a dental condition or a skeletal problem. One of the most common causes of a gummy smile is excessive gum tissue. This excess gum tissue shows on the upper teeth when you smile. An overgrown upper jaw or a misaligned bite can also cause gummy smiles. There are several surgical and non-surgical treatment options. Laser therapy can be used to remove diseased tissue and reshape the gums. Injections of hyaluronic acid fillers can improve the look of your teeth. However, injections need to be repeated to maintain their effect.

Cleaning Your Aligners

The best way to care for Invisalign is to follow a good oral hygiene routine. This will help prevent the buildup of bacteria and bad breath. A dentist can recommend a specific method for cleaning and maintaining your aligners.

It is recommended that you clean your teeth with a soft brush. This will remove any food particles and bacteria. You can also use a dental instrument to clean your aligners. After you have completed your cleaning, rinse your mouth with cold water. This will help wash away any dried saliva that has built up on your teeth. You should brush your teeth before you put your aligners back in.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

Invisalign is a popular form of orthodontic treatment for teeth. It uses a series of clear plastic aligners to straighten your teeth. The alignment process can be done in a relatively short amount of time. Compared to braces, Invisalign is less aggressive and easier on your gums. However, it can also come with a few downsides. First and foremost, Invisalign is not always the best choice for every patient. Traditional braces may be more appropriate if you have a complicated dental problem. This is because Invisalign may not be able to move your teeth in the way you want them to. Also, you may need more than the results you want. While Invisalign has a high success rate, it can be more costly than braces, and it can take longer to achieve the result you desire.

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