
Diet Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast should consist of protein, fiber and heart-healthy fats to satisfy hunger while providing energy boost. Instead of opting for sugary cereals, switch out for whole grains with fresh or frozen fruit as well as low-fat dairy options. Blend a smoothie using plain yogurt rather than its flavored versions to reduce added sugars, then top […]


The Best Diet For Hair Growth

Have long, healthy locks is almost everyone’s goal, but reaching that goal requires the appropriate combination of nutrients and fuel. An optimal hair health diet includes fiber-rich produce, 100 percent whole grains and healthy fats – here are some foods to help achieve that: 1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids provide multiple advantages, from […]


What Is Diet Quality?

The term “diet quality” is difficult to define and there is little consensus on the definition of what constitutes a “quality” diet. Definitions of diet quality vary from one culture to another and are dependent on the local food supply and dietary practices. A general way of thinking about diet quality is to categorize foods […]