With the increase in coronavirus cases affecting essential workers all over the world, it’s important to implement resources to protect your employees from contracting the virus. It’s also incredibly important for both you and the economy to get your business back up and running, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your employees or customers. Finding ways to protect your employees while keeping up with the demand of running the business can be quite difficult, but this article is here to give you tips on how to do just that.
Provide Free PPE
The CDC has made one thing very clear- it’s important for everyone to take it upon themselves to protect themselves and others from spreading the virus by wearing masks and maintaining social distancing. Providing personal protective equipment to your employees is a great way to ensure that everyone continues to stay protected. If your employee forgets to bring their own mask to work, having backup disposal masks is essential. You should also equip your place of business with plenty of hand sanitizer and constantly stocked hand washing stations.

Install Protective Barriers
Sneeze guards are clear plastic installed between an employee and a customer, usually at a cash register or desk. The use of sneeze guards in heavily trafficked areas is incredibly useful for preventing the spread of the coronavirus. The reason why sneeze guards work is because they provide protection from the respiratory droplets, which studies have shown are the main source of infection from the coronavirus.
Provide More PTO
Getting a test for the coronavirus has become easier, but it’s still not cheap and definitely not easy. You should always test the temperature of all of your employees before letting them come into work, and giving them sick time if they need it. If someone suspects they’re getting sick, it’s better for them to take time off of work even if they are not sick, so that they do not unintentionally spread the virus.