
Kidney Stone Symptoms

If you’re experiencing the above kidney stone symptoms, you’re not alone. Almost everyone experiences these symptoms at some point or another. You don’t have to suffer through them, though! There are several options available to you to help you manage the pain and discomfort caused by these stones. Read on to learn more about some of them. If you experience any of these symptoms, make an appointment with a urologist to discuss your options.

A kidney stone is typically accompanied by pain in the abdomen, back, and groin. The pain may start higher up near the kidney and move down to the lower abdomen. It can be intense, short-lived, or vague. If the pain is severe enough, you may experience vomiting or nausea. In rare cases, your pain may be more severe than others. Your doctor may recommend tests to rule out other conditions that could be causing the stones.

The pain from a kidney stone is often treated with non-prescription painkillers. Ibuprofen, naproxen, and other NSAIDs are all safe to use, but some people should avoid taking them if they have other medical conditions. If you do decide to undergo a procedure, it is important to know your options before your doctor recommends a course of treatment. The goal is to treat the pain so you don’t experience further symptoms and complications.

The most common type of kidney stone is calcium stones. Calcium stones form when your body retains excess calcium. This calcium will combine with waste products and crystallize. If you are eating a high-protein diet, you may develop a calcium stone. If you have a gouty condition, your doctor may be able to prescribe you medications that will dissolve the stone. Patients with cystine stones are genetically predisposed to develop this type of stone, and a high fluid intake will prevent them from forming.

The pain from a kidney stone can be painful, and it may be difficult to diagnose it through pain alone. Furthermore, the pain may come and go and be difficult to describe. Additionally, you might have other kidney stone symptoms that are more pronounced and easier to notice. It is advisable to seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms. There is no need to wait until the stone has passed, and you should seek treatment right away.

Your health care provider will likely want to see any recent X-rays you’ve had taken to determine the cause of your stones and how to treat it. A CT scan may be needed if you have abdominal pain or bleeding and if your health provider suspects a underlying condition. A CT scan may also be used to identify the type of stone you have. Treatment will depend on the type of stone you have, its size, and how long you’ve been experiencing the symptoms.

While the pain from a kidney stone is often worse for women than for men, it’s more likely for a small stone to pass on its own without the need for any treatment. If the pain is manageable and there are no signs of infection, the stone should pass naturally within four to six weeks. It’s important to drink plenty of water and take pain medication as needed. The pain can be so severe that it’s easy to mistake it for a menstrual cramp.

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